The earth is a magnificent place but the human species overall tends to be poor caretakers. We carve away stone, clear cut forests, dam up rivers, and poison the soil. Yet, there are truly great sights to behold thanks to brave and forward thinking humans who dedicate their lives and energies to perservation and conservation for the benefit of all. Some guidelines for being a conscientious citizen of the world when moving around in public spaces:

  • Pack in/Pack out: leave the places you visit as good or better than you found them.

  • Proprioception: pay attention to the people and environment around you in terms of both physical and sensory space (light application of cologne/perfume, modulate speaking voice volume and topics)

  • Be responsible and respectful: follow posted guidelines and basic common sense & courtesy when using a communal resource

    • This is extremely wide-ranging but runs the whole gambit of things people tend to gloss over because of personal bias or incomplete understanding. Examples include things like disobeying leash laws; vandalizing rocks, trees, and/or public spaces; feeding wildlife; etc.